Saturday, November 29, 2014

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks and 5 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Pineapple
Maternity Clothes? Pants yes, shirts still a mix of both.
Sleep: Pretty good this week!
Best moment of the week: Getting some time off on Wednesday and Thursday for Thanksgiving! Andy and Hillary came over and we had a nice little kick off to the holiday season. The Seahawks win was a nice way to cap off the day too. On Friday we walked Lacey down King Street and watched the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Old Town. I am starting to get excited for the Holidays!!
Worst moment of the week: I unfortunately experienced my first moments of super discomfort this week. My best guess is maybe SI joint pain? I was standing most of Wednesday evening baking and Thursday cooking, and had a terrible hip pain that I just couldn't shake. Thankfully it dissipated by the weekend, but wow was it uncomfortable. I keep reminding myself to be thankful the last 31 weeks have breezed by as easily as they have, but still keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't flare up again! Just about 8 weeks left to go!
Missing the most: Feeling like nothing can phase me. As much as I hate to admit, I think I am starting to slow down a bit. On our walk to the tree lighting I realized my energizer bunny pace is not so quick anymore!
Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding band on. Engagement ring on occasionally. Switching in a ring Peter got me in Slovenia for our 3rd anniversary (which is a bit big) just in case my band starts to feel tight. ;)
Belly button in or out? VERY flat.
Looking forward to: Lots of preparations this week! We are doing a hospital tour on Tuesday and I have my 32 week check-up on Wednesday. I can't believe we are down to just 2 months to go!

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