Saturday, November 1, 2014

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Rutabaga
Maternity Clothes? Still a mix of both. On the hunt for some quality maternity yoga pants!
Sleep: Ok this week. I have started waking up a bit, but nothing too disruptive yet. :) My snoogle came this week, and it has taken a few nights to figure out how to reign in my wild sleeping antics.
Best moment of the week: Kicking butt in the yoga challenge! I have been going strong, attending a class each day. Also a highlight is having my father-in-law here to visit. It is always nice to have family around, and he has been super helpful this weekend building things (like the co-sleeper our little angel will sleep in) and fixing some things around the house!
Missing the most: Cookie-dough. I love baking, especially around this time of the year. Not only do I get excited for the holidays to roll in, but I bribe my co-workers with goodies during our audit season. I think it is is only responsible to taste batter and dough, to make sure it tastes OK of course. :) I guess raw egg is a no-no for preggers, so unfortunately I have to forgo the taste tests this year.
Cravings: Nothing too out of the ordinary or strong.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? Still hanging onto being an "innie."
Looking forward to: Officially being in the third and final trimester! I have seen some say the third trimester begins at 26.3 weeks, 27 weeks, and 28 weeks. No matter how you calculate it, 28 weeks is definitely in the final stretch. I also am looking forward to my 28 week check up on Friday, and hearing little baby heartbeats more!
Not Looking forward to: Getting blood drawn at my appointment this week-I HATE needles. :/ Also, auditors come on Monday, and I will be dealing with a few different groups over the next month or so. This equals longer hours, more stress, and more baking-with no batter tastes. :(

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