Saturday, October 25, 2014

26 Weeks

How far along? 26 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Head of Lettuce
Maternity Clothes? Still a mix of both. My yoga pants are starting to get a bit uncomfortable, but I think I could even just go a size up and feel better in them. I was talking to someone at Prenatal Barre class, and she said workout clothes were fine until about 8 months. Lets see how the next month goes!
Sleep: Still struggling to stay off my back. :( Waking up a bit in the middle of the night, and starting to have some strange dreams!
Best moment of the week: I had many good moments this week, and am feeling grateful for being able to stay so active. This week I started a 30 day challenge at Refresh, the yoga studio Hillary manages. I have kept up with regular vinyasa classes throughout my pregnancy, but I have cut back a bit on the number of classes I make time for each week. I find the more active I am the better I feel, so why not try to make it 30 days in a row? We are now a week into the challenge and I have successfully gone to class each day. Also pretty neat, baby seems to like savasana. I have come to think of it like our special time together. She moves around a lot! It could be my imagination, but I poke back at her and she seems to move more, kind of like we are having a conversation!
Missing the most: I crave sleeping on my back now. I can't tell if it is really the most comfortable, or if I just want to because I know I shouldn't. SO frustrating!
Cravings: Nothing in particular. I m often hungry and nothing sounds good. I wish I had some stronger cravings, because it would make planning dinner so much easier.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? Still hanging onto being an "innie." Though it is becoming closer to just being flat.
Looking forward to: Excited to see my amazing father-in-law, Mark, this week. He is coming to DC for work, and arriving a bit early to spend some time with us "kids." Yikes! In about 3 months I guess we won't be the kids anymore!

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