Saturday, October 4, 2014

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 Weeks and 5 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Grapefruit
Maternity Clothes? No updates!
Sleep: Ok, though I am starting to notice my midsection become a bit heavier. ;)
Best moment of the week: Wow, so many great moments over the last week. First, attending my High School reunion was great. It was so good to see old friends, catch up with people that I wish I had stayed in better contact with, and see some of my dear friends that I won't be able to visit for a while. Can't wait to see what everyone does over the next 10 years!
Also pretty neat this week, we did our final count for the Community Support Campaign in my office. We ended up raising over $5,000 this year, and volunteering over 100 hours for the month! I am so proud of everyone in the office, and was super excited to be able to donate to some great local organizations with the funds that we raised.
Finally, the BEST moment of the week took place on Tuesday September 30th. Peter felt the baby for the first time!! It is so exciting to share this experience with him more now. He teared up a bit and is now constantly asking if she is moving so he can feel. So cute!!
Missing the most: Seattle. It was good to be home last weekend, and I am missing the PNW this week.
Cravings: Meat.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Traveling to San Francisco this week for work. My boss works in Oakland, and I have a training in San Francisco, so I combined the two visits into one! Wishing Peter could have joined me on this one too, but this is a big exam week for him. Maybe I will have to bring home some presents for him. :)

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