Saturday, September 27, 2014

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks and 5 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Papaya! Hmmm...saw one in the store and I am doubting the accuracy of this...especially since next week is supposedly at grapefruit! Who some up with these estimates?
Maternity Clothes? I am not crazy about most maternity clothes, so instead got a few longer tops this week to take me through hopefully a few more weeks. I am traveling for work in a few weeks, so I hope they still work!
Sleep: Pillows don't seem to contain my crazy sleep habits anymore, so I am looking into those body pillows for pregnancy. Any moms to be/moms have any suggestions??
Best moment of the week: Getting to spend some time with family and reunite with old friends. My 10 year High School reunion is this weekend, so Thursday I flew home for the festivities. Especially since I will not be traveling in December, this has been a great time to catch up with people and enjoy the PNW. It has been a while since I have been home in a transitional season, and even just taking my first breath outside was so refreshing! Crisp cool fall air is wonderful when compared to the lingering humidity in VA.
Missing the most: Peter and Lacey! Peter could not get away from school to join me, so he stayed home with our baby puppy girl. Wishing those two were here with me!
Cravings: Tootsie Rolls. Yum.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Seeing old friends at the reunion this weekend! Also, celebrating our little baby girl on Saturday with a family baby shower. It is starting to become more real! Of course, I can't wait to make it back home to Peter and Lacey too on Sunday.

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