Friday, September 12, 2014

20 Weeks-Half Way!!

How far along? 20 Weeks and 4 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Banana!
Maternity Clothes? Some. Pants only so far, but I can still wear my larger jeans. Yoga clothes still work, and are probably the most comfortable thing to wear when I am home.
Sleep: OK this week. I started using two pillows to block me in, which seems to have inhibited my rolling.
Best moment of the week: This would have to be Tuesday. We had our 20 Week Level II ultrasound, and got to find out the sex of the baby! Peter said he knew right away when it came on the screen, and then tech said, classic girl parts! Wow! What. A. Shock. We had been told 2 months ago (very early I know) that it looked "boyish" so we were all prepared for her to announce a baby boy. Instead, it looks like we might be making an appointment at the Bippity Boppity Boo Salon in Disney World in a few years, because we have a little princess on the way! I have to admit, I am super excited about it. Everything looks healthy and progressing as a normal pregnancy, so it was all great news. Baby is 60th percentile for weight estimate, which is great. Right on track!
Missing the most: Nothing food related, but Charlottesville. We were talking about trying to find a time in this crazy schedule to go visit.
Cravings: Chips and Ranch dip.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Our dear fiend Rachel Martin coming to visit! She is my baking partner in crime, and probably the funniest person placed on this earth. She still lives in Charlottesville after the Post Bacc, but is driving through DC this weekend and making a pit stop to see us. Can't wait!

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