Saturday, September 20, 2014

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Pomegranate
Maternity Clothes? Thinking I might need to invest in a few more pieces. While most shirts still fit, if I wear maternity pants they are often not long enough. :(
Sleep: Pretty good overall. Lacey seems to enjoy the pillows I have propped all around me. In the mornings she loves to crawl up and cuddle with me, snuggling up on all the pillows.
Best moment of the week: There were so many highlights this week, I have to mention a few! A few weeks ago, I thought maybe I had experienced the "fluttering" I have read so much about. It was pretty exciting this week to realize that I was in fact feeling our baby girl, as the little movements are getting stronger! Peter even used his stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat this week!
On Thursday I volunteered at DC Central Kitchen, which was a really neat experience. We organized a group from our office to go together and prep meals for the shelters in DC. For anyone in the DC area, I highly recommend spending some time with this organization.
Finally, our dear friend Rachel came to visit last night, bringing with her a full BBQ meal that our friend Malcolm had prepared. It was quite a feast: tons of smoked pork, homemade sauce, potato salad, and even biscuits. It was so sweet of him to prep so much food for us. The only thing that would have made it better would be to have him here too! Hoping we can make a trip down to Charlottesville soon.
Missing the most: Not drinking hasn't really bothered me, but for the first time in 5 months I did think a pumpkin beer sounded pretty good. I do enjoy a good stout or winter ale too, so maybe I can enjoy one in a few months.
Cravings: Unfortunately, I have had a pretty big sweet tooth lately. With all of the Halloween candy hitting the shelves, I might be in trouble!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? Definitely in still!
Looking forward to: Going home! Hard to believe, but it has been over 10 years since I left home and my High School reunion is next weekend. It will be so nice to catch up with friends and family, especially since we will not be able to fly home for the holidays this year. Seattle here I come!

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