Saturday, September 6, 2014

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Mango
Maternity Clothes? Ok, so I finally broke down and bought a pair of slacks for work. We had to start wearing normal work clothes after Labor Day, and I needed something to wear! I am going to try to stick it out in normal tops for a while, but eventually may need to get some things for work. Taking it one week at a time.
Sleep: Fine, though my Doc said 20 weeks is when I should really make an effort to stop sleeping on my back, so this will be a challenge!
Best moment of the week: It was a really good week! We got to spend some time with one of our friends from Peter's Post Bacc. August came to stay with us while he interviewed at GW (exciting!), so ti was nice to catch up. Also, September is a month dedicated to volunteering and fundraising for Wells Fargo, and I chair the Community Support Campaign for my office. I LOVE planning our fundraising events, helping to get people excited about giving back, and taking some time to get involved with some really deserving organizations. Week 1 was a huge success, and I am looking forward to the coming weeks!
Missing the most: Lunch meat. I starting driving a new way to work, which passes the Italian Store in Arlington. If you have never been, GO! It is sooooo good and now all I seem to want is an Italian Grinder.
Cravings: Pretty much anything I see someone else eating. I was feeling pretty famished this week!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Tuesday-we are having our Level II ultrasound, which means we officially find out the sex of the baby! I wish it were Tuesday already! Also, realizing we will be at the half way point is pretty exciting.

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