Sunday, November 16, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Acorn Squash
Maternity Clothes? Still a mix of both. I have held out pretty well so far. It's tough to balance not wanting to invest in clothing you will only wear for a few weeks/months and wanting to feel "normal" in your clothes. I even went through the calendar, taking out days I will be working from home or on vacation to see how many days worth of work appropriate clothes I need to cycle through. Haha!
Sleep: Not so great this week. Lacey's obsession with the Snoogle has gotten out of hand! When she comes to bed with Peter, I wake up to find she has crawled onto my chest. She looks so darn cute, begging me with those big eyes to scoot over. If I give her even a few inches between me and the pillow, she immediately slides down into the space. This is adorable, until I am pushed out of bed by her in the middle of the night! Also, starting to get some hip pain at night, and with her taking over the supportive pillow, I seem to wake up all night. :(
Best moment of the week: Having Veteran's Day off! It has been a hectic few weeks at work, with auditors in the office, so it was refreshing to stay home and not have to deal with anything. I really did take the day for myself, getting a massage, catching up on some TV, and getting in some much needed relaxation.
Missing the most: A good night's sleep!
Cravings: I actually really wanted some chips and dip this week. Craving nailed!
Wedding rings on or off? On. In full disclosure, I have reduced to just my wedding band. I can still wear both, but the two bands together is starting to get a bit tight. One is much more comfy. :)
Belly button in or out? Pretty flat.
Looking forward to: Celebrating Baby Mullins with good friends next weekend. Also, celebrating my birthday. It will be the last one of my 20's and the last one before baby! Looking forward to so many good things this week, I can't wait!

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