Sunday, December 7, 2014

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 Weeks and 7 Days (so we missed by a day, close enough!)
Baby is the size of a(n): Squash
Maternity Clothes? Pants yes, shirts still a mix of both.
Sleep: OK
Best moment of the week: Technically this is in week 33, but since I am a bit late in writing I will count it in this post. The best moment would be finishing our birth class today. We did the Bradley Method, which has had it's pros and cons (consider Peter is in medical school, and Bradley focuses on natural birth). It was pretty neat to reflect on what we have learned about the birth process, and ourselves. Each Sunday for the last 10 weeks has been full of great discourse when we come home, whether it was agreeing with the material in class or being frustrated, it got us talking about what we really want. 10 weeks was a long time, but we are both so glad we had this experience and have a much better understanding as a couple of what we want out for our birth.
Worst moment of the week: Fortunately nothing to report here!
Missing the most: Getting ready to fly home. Usually this time of the year I am so excited to be getting on a plane in a week or so, and figuring out what gifts we can have shipped where so we don't have to travel with them. Kind of strange to not be going home this year, but we know in just a few weeks we will get the best gift of all!
Cravings: If you asked Peter, he would probably say milk. I consumed nearly a half gallon of milk in less than 24 hours this week! I attribute it more to the amount of goodies being consumed (oops!) but I do probably gulp down more than your average person. What can I say, it is so refreshing!
Wedding rings on or off? Sadly I made the switch this week. I have not have any real problems with swelling, but occasionally it was getting tight. I have heard too many horror stories about women needing to get their rings cut off after suddenly swelling up, so I am sticking with the anniversary ring that is a bit roomier.
Belly button in or out? I am starting to second guess my assessment of previous weeks being "flat." This is definitely flat now!
Looking forward to: Peter finishing the semester this week! It will be nice to have him home more over the holiday break. Especially since I seem to have started the nesting phase. I suddenly began hanging pictures that have not been up for the 7 months that we have lived here, and getting the urge to rearrange things. I have a long list of things to prep, and can't wait for Peter to share in the fun! :)

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