Saturday, December 27, 2014

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks and 3 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Coconut (how is this bigger than butternut squash?)
Maternity Clothes? No change-pants yes, shirts both.
Sleep: Pretty good for me. Not so great for Peter. ;) My nasal passages have been pretty tight for most of the pregnancy, and my attempt to breathe at night is keeping poor Peter up!
Best moment of the week: The holidays!! Since no airline would let me on a plane after this weekend, and Dr.'s orders included avoiding planes for the final 2 months, we were home bound for the holidays. Unfortunately this means our home in Virginia, not home to Seattle. My parents came out to join us for Christmas this year, and Hillary's mom Amy came out too. Best moment of the week would have to be on Christmas. I made some yummy monkey bread from scratch for breakfast, which unfortunately left some gooey topping on the bottom of the oven. Feeling a bit pooped after standing most of the morning, I left dinner preparations to Peter. This was his first attempt at being head chef, and he did an excellent job. However...the gooey cinnamon topping had other plans for him. Most of the meal cooked slow and low. However the final 30 minutes or so he was trying to roast some veggies at a higher temp. Hot oven plus spilled sugary topping makes for a lot of smoke! The smoke alarms started going off, the dogs started barking, and chaos ensued. Thankfully we were able to air most of the apartment out, and calm the puppies down. Lesson learned, don't forget about the spill in the oven before cooking. :)
Worst moment of the week: Still getting a bit beat up by this baby! I had a few more days of sharp pains in my upper right quadrant, kind of like a muscle being pulled out of my body. Thankfully that has gone away again.
Missing the most: Being in Seattle for the holidays. It was a strange year. I loved having my parents out here and having them meet Hillary's mom too, but I did miss some of the traditions of the northwest. Going downtown shopping with my mom, seeing more family at holiday meals, and spending time with Peter's parents to name a few.
Cravings: Milk, milk, and more MILK!
Wedding rings on or off? Old anniversary ring is staying on. Missing my normal rings. :(
Belly button in or out? Still very, very, very flat.
Looking forward to: Our 36 week appointment this week! I am excited to make sure she is still positioned correctly and see how things are going. My plans to get ready for baby didn't really pan out last week, so I will hopefully make some progress this week. Also looking forward to toasting to the new year. Happy New Year everyone!

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