Sunday, December 21, 2014

34 Weeks

**Shout out to Swings! Anyone in Alexandria, VA should check this place out for some good coffee, and to say hi to Andy! Second, to save me from taking this pic in the cold, got an assist from Ben and he took this from behind the bar. Thanks Ben!

How far along? 34 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Butternut Squash
Maternity Clothes? No change-pants yes, shorts both.
Sleep: Pretty good for the most part. I wake up occasionally, and proceed to panic about my belly button status. :)
Best moment of the week: We had out 34 week check up. It has been a while since Peter has been able to come to an appointment with me, so it was pretty neat for him to see how much has changed. Heartbeat sounds great, and baby started wiggling as soon as the Doppler hit my belly. Also, good news is that baby appears to be occiput anterior! Keeping my fingers crossed she stays that way for the next few weeks!
Another great moment capped off the week-dress shopping with Hillary! We went to a few wedding dress boutiques in Georgetown, and she said yes to the dress!! Super exciting to get to share in this experience with her, and I know the dress will look stunning when the big day finally comes.
Worst moment of the week: Tuesday I woke up with a really sharp pain, and it continued most of the day. It felt like a massive bruise that kept getting stabbed every time the baby moved. No fun! Dr. said nothing to worry about, but it definitely cramped my style. In the words of my co-worker, I was not my "usual bubbly self." Baby Beeb is starting to get a bit rude towards me, throwing some punches so hard it makes me double over. Maybe she is anxious to see the outside world...
Missing the most: My memory has gotten worse! We dropped Lacey off at the groomer before my appointment this week. When we came home, I kept calling for her. Peter thought I was joking, until he saw how worried I was. Oops, she was still at the groomer. I am also missing being able to take my boots off. Touching my toes is no problem (thanks yoga!) but crossing over my body and down to pull off shoes has become a bit awkward. Sorry Peter, looks like you are stuck on shoe duty for the next 5 weeks. ;)
Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. Usual Holiday treats! My wonderful father in law makes the BEST cookies, and was sweet enough to send us a big box full of all the usual holidays treats we get at home.
Wedding rings on or off? Old anniversary ring is staying on. Missing my normal rings. :(
Belly button in or out? Currently very, very, very flat. Hanging on by a thread. Peter thinks it will pop any day now. On the bright side, the tenderness has subsided!
Looking forward to: Having most of the next two weeks off! I am ready for a break from work, and I am starting to nest a bit too. Realizing that we might not have 5 weeks left has put me into overdrive! All I hear about now are stories from women around me that gave birth 3 weeks early, unplanned. Like, their water just broke and it was go time. We are definitely not ready to bring home a baby today, so my goal is to make us a little more prepared over the next two weeks that I am home. Also, my parents are coming to visit for the holidays! It is strange to not be home in Seattle this week, but I am so excited to share the holidays with them here. Merry Christmas everyone!

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