Saturday, December 13, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Durian (Who makes this stuff up??)
Maternity Clothes? Pants yes. Hanging on to the few regular blouses that have worked, but they will soon be staying in the closet for a while. Looks like I will be cycling through my few maternity sweaters each week. I am starting to kind of be "over it." With a week left in the office before the holidays, and planning on working from home towards the end, I don't think I will be investing in any more maternity clothes.
Sleep: Baby woke me up in the middle of the night this week acting like she was trying to claw her way out! Other than that, sleep is thankfully OK.
Best moment of the week: Nothing spectacular happened this week, but I am trying to appreciate all of the small things too. I can tell baby is getting pretty cramped in there, because she is moving and poking out all over the place! Its pretty neat to be able to identify where she is at by feeling discrete body parts. I am constantly in awe that I have a growing human inside of me! She had the hiccups this week, which has been pretty common for the last few months. Now, instead of little bubble feelings, her hiccups reverberate throughout my whole abdomen, and Peter could feel her little body parts thumping with each hiccup. So cute!
Worst moment of the week: Monday I had to work from home due to some last minute work needed on our water heater. What I should have put together was that this meant no water for the day, which means no bathroom. Thank goodness for the gym upstairs!
Missing the most: My memory. I guess this pregnancy brain thing really exists. I keep forgetting what level I parked on and have to triple check every time I leave to make sure I have my phone and wallet. I even forget why I walked in a room sometimes. Yikes! Also, not feeling breathless. I have started to get the lungs being squished sensation I had read so much about. I find myself frequently out of breath if I talk too much on a call at work, or slouch too much. My co-worker commented this week that every few breathes I sit up really straight and inhale deeply, like I was hypoxic.
Cravings: Nothing at the moment!
Wedding rings on or off? Old anniversary ring is staying on. Missing my normal rings. :(
Belly button in or out? According to Peter, this has become a hot topic in our household. Status is currently very flat and tender. I have never thought about a body part this much in my entire life. Sometimes Peter catches me staring off and he chuckles because he knows I am thinking about it! If I wake up in the middle of the night, the first thing I think about it "what is happening with my belly button!?" Before I sound too insane, it's not just the fact that on my body the belly button has always been meant to stay in, so this would be a strange change. The real issue is that my body's struggle to figure out if it's in or out has made it very tender and uncomfortable. I am curious to see what happens over the next few weeks!
Looking forward to: So many fun things this week! Peter will officially be done with finals after Sunday. Wrapping presents, celebrating the upcoming holidays, pampering myself (pre-natal massage, getting my hair did), and DRESS SHOPPING with Hillary on Saturday. We have not done a ton of wedding preparation for her yet, so I am super excited to share in this experience.

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