Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Start of the Second Trimester

How Far Along? 13 and 14 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Peach and Lemon
Maternity Clothes? Nope. However, I did have to increase my pant size pretty quickly. As early as 6 weeks I would say my pants fit snug, though not because of a belly. During the 13th to 14th week is when you could really start to see a bulge starting to form around my middle, which is kind of exciting! For now, sticking with regular pants in a larger size seems to be working. Unfortunately I can't wear some of my favorite shirts to work anymore-button front just does not work with a growing body!
Sleep: Getting better! I was waking up at 4am every day to go to the bathroom, which is really annoying when you don't get to go back to sleep for much longer. That has stopped, and I am sleeping the full night again. I know this will not last, so enjoying while I can!
Best Moment of the Week: We got to see my parents during these weeks, and go to Disney World! We are huge Disney fans, so baby already has one trip under his/her belt! Also pretty neat, during the 13th week we had two ultrasounds. We did the first trimester testing sonogram and got to see baby beeb again. It looks like baby might take after Peter. The ultrasound tech said baby didn't want to wake up, so she kept pumping my belly to try to get some movement. This is not so pleasant when you have to come with a full bladder. Once baby woke up, it looked like a little swimmer is in the making! We saw lots of kicking. We also may have been given a hint as to whether baby looks boyish or girlish. ;) We won't know for sure though for a few more weeks.
Missing the most: My normal exercise routine. Pre-pregnancy, I used to go to yoga 5 or more times per week, and became addicted to inversions! I also used to practice hot yoga, and Doc said this is a no go for now. I was feeling pretty icky for a few weeks in the first trimester, not to mention super exhausted. As a result, I feel out of shape. Now that I am feeling better, I am trying to make an effort to get back on some sort of routine.
Cravings: Root Beer. Daddy is finding this hilarious, as this is the only soda he likes and I rarely drank it before.
Wedding Rings on or off? On!
Mood: I think good, but if you ask Peter he might say otherwise. ;) I tried to tell him my baseline for moodiness is much lower than a normal person, so I am probably just about as irritable as a normal person now.
Looking Forward to: Peter's White Coat Ceremony! So proud of him. More in the week 15 post!

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