Wednesday, August 27, 2014

17 Weeks

How far along? Barely squeezing it in this week. Picture was taken at 17 Weeks and 6 Days.
Baby is the size of a(n): Onion
Maternity Clothes? Still no!
Sleep: A bit restless this week. I tried adding a regular pillow next to me to try to condition my body to not roll over. I still wake up on my back! Oops! :)
Best moment of the week: Prenatal Massage! I was not sure how this would work, with the whole no laying on the front or back thing, but switching from one side to another works pretty well! It was a super relaxing way to end my week.
Missing the most: Nothing comes to mind! Feeling pretty great this week.
Cravings: A little bit of a sweet tooth this week perhaps!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Hopefully feeling the baby soon. Supposedly now is the time when most new moms start to feel the baby moving around in there. Keep you posted!

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