Monday, August 11, 2014

15 Weeks

How Far Along? This picture was taken at 15 weeks and 3 days.
Baby is the size of a: Navel Orange
Maternity Clothes? Still working the regular pants in a larger size.
Sleep: Going well so far!
Best Moment of the Week: This has to be Saturday August 8th. Peter started orientation this week for medical school, and Saturday was his White Coat Ceremony. I am so incredibly proud of him. It has been a long journey to get here, collecting degrees along the way, but this is the one that will mean the most. Before the ceremony started, there was a slide show of thank you's from the new class of medical students. I was touched to see Peter's message to me. He may think he wouldn't have made it this far without me, but I know his drive, intelligence and passion would have gotten him there too. :) Also pretty special was that Peter's parents were able to come for the weekend to join in the celebration. I know they are so proud of him as well, and being able to spend some more time with family was wonderful. They are so supportive and I could not ask for better in-laws!
Missing the most: Nothing comes to mind right now. Feeling pretty good!
Cravings: The occasional root beer ;)
Wedding Rings on or off? On!
Mood: Excited. Maybe it was having Mark and Jill here and thinking about our growing family. Maybe it was starting to do some baby shopping! Or maybe I am just starting to feel more pregnant. Whatever it is, I feel excited this week!
Looking forward to: Starting the 4th month and our 16 week appointment. Since Peter has classes next week, Doula Hillary is stepping in. This will be the first time she meets my OB, so I am excited to have her join the fun.

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