Saturday, January 31, 2015

40 Weeks

How far along? 40 Weeks and 4 Days. As I write this we are moving into week 41. Yes, I am still pregnant. Yes, this is frustrating. According to Peter, my face in this picture reads "I'm over it."
Baby is the size of a(n): Jackfruit...whatever that is!
Maternity Clothes? Still living in yoga pants (both maternity and pre-maternity), maternity sweaters, and normal yoga tops. Normal tops are a bit short now...
Sleep: Still interrupted. This has been a pretty mentally taxing week. As if I don't spend enough of the day wondering if each twinge or contraction is finally "it" when I wake up I think maybe my body is telling me its time. No such luck. :(
Best moment of the week: While this might not be classified as a "best moment," it was pretty interesting! Hillary and I got street harassed. Not sure if being hollered at 40+ weeks pregnant is flattering or very strange. Especially when I sport a giant coat that resembles a garbage bag...
One pretty proud moment for me was realizing that at almost 41 weeks I am still holding my own in regular yoga classes. I have started to feel pretty uncomfortable over the last week or so, but sticking with my practice helps me feel in tune with my body and calm my mind down a bit. I am only making it to one or two regular classes (the rest are prenatal) but it still makes me feel accomplished!
Worst moment of the week: I started to avoid answering messages, which makes me feel pretty crappy. If I haven't responded to you, I apologize! We feel so blessed to be surrounded (both near and far) by friends and family wishing us well, but for my own sanity I had to stop saying "no baby yet!" I am already pretty bummed out that we haven't gotten to meet our little girl yet, so vocalizing that just started to become too difficult. We will keep you all informed once we have some news to share, until then we appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers!
Missing the most: Right hand still numb. Also missing having more options in my wardrobe. I am fully aware that the average first time pregnancy is more than 41 weeks, yet for some reason I really didn't see myself still being pregnant now. I can't wait to wear some different clothes again!
Cravings: I think I am back on a milk binge again. Pretty sure I drank a gallon by myself over the course of a few days.
Wedding rings on or off? Ringless!
Belly button in or out? FLAT. With the raised ridge encircling the flatness. I have been preoccupied worrying about my belly button for so long now! It is strange to think that soon (hopefully!) I won't have this obsession. What on earth will I stress about??
Looking forward to: Having this baby! Maybe she will decide to arrive during the Super Bowl? Maybe she will continue to take her sweet time in there. Also, my appointments now consist of a non-stress test (about 20-30 minutes hooked up to a monitor), the normal exam, and a 30 minute ultrasound to check baby's movement, breathing, and to measure the fluid levels to make sure baby is still safe in there. We have another appointment on Monday, so maybe she could cooperate and make her debut this weekend? :) In any case, I just want to meet her. One way or another, we get to do that this week, which is pretty exciting!

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