Saturday, January 10, 2015

Full Term Baby! 37 Weeks

How far along? 37 Weeks exactly. First pic is from the prenatal photo shoot for Refresh!
Baby is the size of a(n): Winter Melon
Maternity Clothes? Mainly living in yoga pants (both maternity and pre-maternity), maternity sweaters, and normal yoga tops. My work appropriate attire has become pretty dismal, so it is a good thing I will be working from home exclusively from here on out!
Sleep: I definitely wake up a few times throughout the night, but that is probably a good thing because it reminds me to switch sides.
Best moment of the week: Finally seeing our doctor! This was a crazy week, and a bit frustrating with the practice I go to. My appointment on Tuesday was canceled, which turned out to be a great change since it took 2 hours to go anywhere from the snow that morning. We showed up Wednesday, and the Doc had just left, and no other physician was in the office to see me. Finally, on Friday afternoon we got to see my doctor. Being days away from 38 weeks, it was pretty exciting and reassuring to hear things are moving along! Baby is doing great, staying in good position, and my body is prepping for the big day. I know it is tough for Peter to join me at these appointments, especially this week with all of the changes, but I am so grateful to have him by my side supporting me. It is crazy to think how soon we will get to meet out little girl!
Worst moment of the week: What a week it has been. First, it has been a pretty frustrating experience with my doctor this week. Second, we have been having some issues with cigarette smoke being pumped into our apartment through the vents. It has been occurring on and off for the last 2 months, and we have been complaining to the management company continuously. It seems to get better, and then get much worse. Thursday night, it smelled like a bowling ally in our bedroom. It had gotten so bad we couldn't sleep in there, and we had to move all of the freshly washed baby bedding and co-sleeper out of the room. It makes me so nervous to have our tiny human with tiny lungs sleeping in those conditions. We are hoping maintenance can figure out how to prevent this from continuing, and soon!
Missing the most: Shoes. I did so well for such a long time, but most of my shoes are no longer comfy options. :( I keep telling myself I have almost reached the end!
Cravings: I guess yogurt. I started eating a bunch of yogurt this week for some reason. It seems I may have a dairy obsession, since previously it was milk.
Wedding rings on or off? Old anniversary ring on intermittently.
Belly button in or out? The battle continues. Through clothing, it looks out. The top ridge it poking out from the inside belly button trying to push out above where the hole is. I feel like every time I move it is going to shift and pop out. Ahh!
Looking forward to: Tonight is Hillary's birthday! Excited to celebrate her this evening, and of course watch the Seahawks game! Unfortunately for her, when birthday falls on a playoff weekend, compromises need to be made. Baby Mullins may be in the same boat someday. :)

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