Saturday, January 24, 2015

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 Weeks and 3 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Watermelon
Maternity Clothes? Still living in yoga pants (both maternity and pre-maternity), maternity sweaters, and normal yoga tops.
Sleep: So I guess it is training for what life will be like soon...I wake up every night, sometimes more than once. For no apparent reason too!
Best moment of the week: What a week! Lacey met a baby! One of Peter's classmates has a 5 month old, and it was the first baby Lacey has met up close and personal. She was petrified! For the most part, she seemed cautiously afraid, she licked the baby's legs a lot, and seemed generally afraid. Thankfully, she ended up getting some alone time to get some good sniffs, and it went really well. She was still pretty jumpy, but definitely seems like she will be OK with a baby in the house. Peter on the other least his instinct was to hold the child like a newborn. A 5 month old didn't seem to appreciate this...but hopefully our baby girl will! :)
SEAHAWKS. NFC Champions. Need I say more?
Also, a pretty great (and weird) moment was logging off my work laptop on Friday. I officially made Friday my last day of work before leave. I have been so stressed about leaving things in good shape for someone else to pick up, that having a definitive end date brought me some peace and closure. I am going to try to focus on relaxing from here on out, and hopefully that will make this baby want to make her debut! I even got another prenatal massage, which was amazing!
Worst moment of the week: Still being pregnant. And being constantly reminded that I am still pregnant. Trust me, I am more aware than anyone that I am still carrying a baby inside of me.
Missing the most: The numbness in my hand is still pretty bad, so I am still missing having feeling in my right hand.
Cravings: DONUTS! The long awaited opening of a new donut shop took place this week, and boy are they amazing! It is called Sugar Shack, and I think they are the tastiest thing I have ever eaten. If anyone is in Alexandria (or Richmond, VA where they are from) I highly recommend the strawberry frosted. Seriously. SO. GOOD.
Wedding rings on or off? Ringless!
Belly button in or out? FLAT. With a raised ridge encircling the flatness. I think I can feel the center now though when I lay down. Yikes!
Looking forward to: Having this baby! I kind of switch back and forth between being glad she is still hanging out in there, because labor seems slightly terrifying, and super frustrated because I will most certainly be the first person to be pregnant forever. As I write this, we have switched over to 40 weeks, which means entering month 10. I am not a spicy food person, but maybe I should branch out? Any other ideas to meet our baby sooner would be much appreciated!

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