Saturday, January 17, 2015

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks and 3 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Pumpkin!
Maternity Clothes? Still living in yoga pants (both maternity and pre-maternity), maternity sweaters, and normal yoga tops. Shoes have become my enemy.
Sleep: Has gotten much worse this week! :( I wake up every few hours, my breathing is pretty poor (nasal passages are completely constricted), and we have been "camping" in our guest bedroom due to the smoke situation in our bedroom. While kind of neat at first, the three, make that four, of us in a double bed has become pretty noticeable.
Best moment of the week: Lacey's 4th Birthday! She will always be the first child to us. Our little fur baby has been with us for a little more than 3 1/2 years, and we adore her. I think she was pretty pleased to still be getting all the attention this week. Her world is about to change soon, so I am cuddling up on her while I still can!
Worst moment of the week: Situation with the smokers next door continued this week. They supposedly got an air purifier and maintenance was going to go in on Friday to just seal off their bathroom vent. The theory is that there is a clog preventing the air from going outside, and may be pumping to our unit instead. It has been one day since they sealed it off, and we noticed a big improvement. We are going to give it one more day, and are hoping to move back into our bedroom tomorrow. Note to self: NEVER live in a multifamily building that allows smoking.
Also, our disappointment with my OB practice continued. We waited a long time again, had a pretty non-eventful appointment with the other physician, and gathered our things to leave. Just as we were approached the exit, they chased me down, ushered me into the nearest room, and all I heard was pre-eclampsia. Well Yikes! The way they approached me made it seem like I needed to be rushed to the hospital. I was clearly upset, and they said they needed to take some blood (PS I have a huge fear of needles) and re-take my blood pressure to rule it out. My initial blood pressure reading was "slightly elevated" they said. Of course, thinking of the impending blood draw, and my plans for a natural birth shattering before me, my blood pressure became extremely elevated! What do you expect! When I asked what the initial reading that concerned them was, it was only 2 points higher than last week. Big woop. No need to scare me like that. After I calmed down a bit, they re-took it and it was of course normal. They still took three vials of blood from me. I totally understand that pre-eclampsia is a serious condition that they need to look out for, but how they handled the situation was completely unnecessary.
Missing the most: Feeling in my hands. :( My body has decided to finally recognize that it is pregnant, and unfortunately that means the joints in my fingers and wrists are swelling, and causing some numbness in my fingers.
Cravings: Nothing notable this week.
Wedding rings on or off? I think I have finally admitted defeat. I am ringless right now.
Belly button in or out? Oh dear, still super flat. Really flat. Like, I might not even have a belly button if it flattens much more.
Looking forward to: Playoff games tomorrow! Also, I am looking forward to our 39 week appointment. Gosh, I thought that might be the last one I had to make, so I didn't make any appointments after that. I am starting to accept the fact that I probably will be going to a 40 week appointment too. Regardless of how frustrating our experience has been lately, I am still excited to see where things are at, and probably finalize my last day at work. Not knowing an end date has probably made this more stressful, so that will give me some peace of mind.

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