Saturday, November 29, 2014

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks and 5 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Pineapple
Maternity Clothes? Pants yes, shirts still a mix of both.
Sleep: Pretty good this week!
Best moment of the week: Getting some time off on Wednesday and Thursday for Thanksgiving! Andy and Hillary came over and we had a nice little kick off to the holiday season. The Seahawks win was a nice way to cap off the day too. On Friday we walked Lacey down King Street and watched the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Old Town. I am starting to get excited for the Holidays!!
Worst moment of the week: I unfortunately experienced my first moments of super discomfort this week. My best guess is maybe SI joint pain? I was standing most of Wednesday evening baking and Thursday cooking, and had a terrible hip pain that I just couldn't shake. Thankfully it dissipated by the weekend, but wow was it uncomfortable. I keep reminding myself to be thankful the last 31 weeks have breezed by as easily as they have, but still keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't flare up again! Just about 8 weeks left to go!
Missing the most: Feeling like nothing can phase me. As much as I hate to admit, I think I am starting to slow down a bit. On our walk to the tree lighting I realized my energizer bunny pace is not so quick anymore!
Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding band on. Engagement ring on occasionally. Switching in a ring Peter got me in Slovenia for our 3rd anniversary (which is a bit big) just in case my band starts to feel tight. ;)
Belly button in or out? VERY flat.
Looking forward to: Lots of preparations this week! We are doing a hospital tour on Tuesday and I have my 32 week check-up on Wednesday. I can't believe we are down to just 2 months to go!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Cucumber
Maternity Clothes? Pants yes, shirts a mix of both.
Sleep: The struggle over who gets the Snoogle has continued with Lacey. I even find Peter lounging in it! Starting to get some hip pain during the night, which is a bit annoying. Overall though, nothing I can't handle!
Best moment of the week: It has been a great week! Tuesday I had my 30 week check-up, which isn't super exciting at this point, but always reassuring to hear things are right on track! Heartbeat is sounding perfect, measuring right on target, and confirmed no health concerns.

Thursday was my birthday. This marked the last birthday in my 20's, the last birthday before baby, and the end of the month long yoga challenge I was participating in. I met my goal of completing 30 classes over the last month, and got 3rd place in the challenge. Being 30 weeks pregnant, I was pretty darn proud of myself!

The BEST part of the week was getting to feel the love and support of our wonderful family and friends on Saturday. Some of our nearest and dearest, Hillary, Rachel and Aisha, planned a beautiful baby shower for us. It was the perfect way to cap off the week. The three of them made the evening so special; we are super lucky to be surrounded by such great people. A huge thank you to everyone that helped us celebrate! We love you all dearly!
Missing the most: Our wonderful friends that came to visit for the shower!
Cravings: Nothing in particular. I guess I have had a bit of a sweet tooth, and may or may not have eaten a spoonful of peanut butter with some chocolate chips at work, because that was all I had that resembled dessert. ;)
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding band on. Engagement ring on occasionally. :)
Belly button in or out? Pretty flat.
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving! Our office closes at noon on Wednesday and Thursday we will be preparing our hopefully much improved Thanksgiving meal. For the last 5 years we have hosted Thanksgiving dinner for some combination of Andy, Hillary and friends. Typically this begins with opening our first bottle of wine around 11, and things start to get off track from there. Obviously our plans are a bit different this year, which will hopefully produce a better quality meal. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Acorn Squash
Maternity Clothes? Still a mix of both. I have held out pretty well so far. It's tough to balance not wanting to invest in clothing you will only wear for a few weeks/months and wanting to feel "normal" in your clothes. I even went through the calendar, taking out days I will be working from home or on vacation to see how many days worth of work appropriate clothes I need to cycle through. Haha!
Sleep: Not so great this week. Lacey's obsession with the Snoogle has gotten out of hand! When she comes to bed with Peter, I wake up to find she has crawled onto my chest. She looks so darn cute, begging me with those big eyes to scoot over. If I give her even a few inches between me and the pillow, she immediately slides down into the space. This is adorable, until I am pushed out of bed by her in the middle of the night! Also, starting to get some hip pain at night, and with her taking over the supportive pillow, I seem to wake up all night. :(
Best moment of the week: Having Veteran's Day off! It has been a hectic few weeks at work, with auditors in the office, so it was refreshing to stay home and not have to deal with anything. I really did take the day for myself, getting a massage, catching up on some TV, and getting in some much needed relaxation.
Missing the most: A good night's sleep!
Cravings: I actually really wanted some chips and dip this week. Craving nailed!
Wedding rings on or off? On. In full disclosure, I have reduced to just my wedding band. I can still wear both, but the two bands together is starting to get a bit tight. One is much more comfy. :)
Belly button in or out? Pretty flat.
Looking forward to: Celebrating Baby Mullins with good friends next weekend. Also, celebrating my birthday. It will be the last one of my 20's and the last one before baby! Looking forward to so many good things this week, I can't wait!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Eggplant
Maternity Clothes? Still a mix of both. Hoping to find a good winter jacket to take me through to January. The weather has been all over the place lately-70 degrees one day 40 the next. I know the days will start to get much colder here, so time to bundle up!
Sleep: Ok this week. Snoogle update: it now belongs to Lacey. She has decided that we purchased this pillow for her. I have to admit it is pretty adorable. When I get up in the morning I come back to find she has crawled up into the top curve, resting her head on the pillow. So cute!
Best moment of the week: Having our 28 week check up. It is always reassuring to hear things are looking perfectly normal. Baby's heartbeat is strong and I am feeling pretty good still!
Missing the most: Having a normal schedule. Work is super busy right now, which means no more leaving at 4. :( I feel pretty bad for puppy too. The next few weeks she spends more time alone than usual, which makes me so sad! Looking forward to things slowing down so we can get some good afternoon walks back in the schedule.
Cravings: Still nothing standing out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? Still hanging onto being an "innie." Getting closer to flat. If I stretch back and my belly pushes out, it flattens even more! So weird!
Looking forward to: Having a four day week! I am so glad we get Veteran's day off. I will finally have some free time to get some things done. Best of all, I am getting a prenatal massage! Also pretty excited to have the first batch of auditors leave on Friday. :)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Rutabaga
Maternity Clothes? Still a mix of both. On the hunt for some quality maternity yoga pants!
Sleep: Ok this week. I have started waking up a bit, but nothing too disruptive yet. :) My snoogle came this week, and it has taken a few nights to figure out how to reign in my wild sleeping antics.
Best moment of the week: Kicking butt in the yoga challenge! I have been going strong, attending a class each day. Also a highlight is having my father-in-law here to visit. It is always nice to have family around, and he has been super helpful this weekend building things (like the co-sleeper our little angel will sleep in) and fixing some things around the house!
Missing the most: Cookie-dough. I love baking, especially around this time of the year. Not only do I get excited for the holidays to roll in, but I bribe my co-workers with goodies during our audit season. I think it is is only responsible to taste batter and dough, to make sure it tastes OK of course. :) I guess raw egg is a no-no for preggers, so unfortunately I have to forgo the taste tests this year.
Cravings: Nothing too out of the ordinary or strong.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? Still hanging onto being an "innie."
Looking forward to: Officially being in the third and final trimester! I have seen some say the third trimester begins at 26.3 weeks, 27 weeks, and 28 weeks. No matter how you calculate it, 28 weeks is definitely in the final stretch. I also am looking forward to my 28 week check up on Friday, and hearing little baby heartbeats more!
Not Looking forward to: Getting blood drawn at my appointment this week-I HATE needles. :/ Also, auditors come on Monday, and I will be dealing with a few different groups over the next month or so. This equals longer hours, more stress, and more baking-with no batter tastes. :(