Saturday, September 27, 2014

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks and 5 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Papaya! Hmmm...saw one in the store and I am doubting the accuracy of this...especially since next week is supposedly at grapefruit! Who some up with these estimates?
Maternity Clothes? I am not crazy about most maternity clothes, so instead got a few longer tops this week to take me through hopefully a few more weeks. I am traveling for work in a few weeks, so I hope they still work!
Sleep: Pillows don't seem to contain my crazy sleep habits anymore, so I am looking into those body pillows for pregnancy. Any moms to be/moms have any suggestions??
Best moment of the week: Getting to spend some time with family and reunite with old friends. My 10 year High School reunion is this weekend, so Thursday I flew home for the festivities. Especially since I will not be traveling in December, this has been a great time to catch up with people and enjoy the PNW. It has been a while since I have been home in a transitional season, and even just taking my first breath outside was so refreshing! Crisp cool fall air is wonderful when compared to the lingering humidity in VA.
Missing the most: Peter and Lacey! Peter could not get away from school to join me, so he stayed home with our baby puppy girl. Wishing those two were here with me!
Cravings: Tootsie Rolls. Yum.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Seeing old friends at the reunion this weekend! Also, celebrating our little baby girl on Saturday with a family baby shower. It is starting to become more real! Of course, I can't wait to make it back home to Peter and Lacey too on Sunday.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Pomegranate
Maternity Clothes? Thinking I might need to invest in a few more pieces. While most shirts still fit, if I wear maternity pants they are often not long enough. :(
Sleep: Pretty good overall. Lacey seems to enjoy the pillows I have propped all around me. In the mornings she loves to crawl up and cuddle with me, snuggling up on all the pillows.
Best moment of the week: There were so many highlights this week, I have to mention a few! A few weeks ago, I thought maybe I had experienced the "fluttering" I have read so much about. It was pretty exciting this week to realize that I was in fact feeling our baby girl, as the little movements are getting stronger! Peter even used his stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat this week!
On Thursday I volunteered at DC Central Kitchen, which was a really neat experience. We organized a group from our office to go together and prep meals for the shelters in DC. For anyone in the DC area, I highly recommend spending some time with this organization.
Finally, our dear friend Rachel came to visit last night, bringing with her a full BBQ meal that our friend Malcolm had prepared. It was quite a feast: tons of smoked pork, homemade sauce, potato salad, and even biscuits. It was so sweet of him to prep so much food for us. The only thing that would have made it better would be to have him here too! Hoping we can make a trip down to Charlottesville soon.
Missing the most: Not drinking hasn't really bothered me, but for the first time in 5 months I did think a pumpkin beer sounded pretty good. I do enjoy a good stout or winter ale too, so maybe I can enjoy one in a few months.
Cravings: Unfortunately, I have had a pretty big sweet tooth lately. With all of the Halloween candy hitting the shelves, I might be in trouble!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? Definitely in still!
Looking forward to: Going home! Hard to believe, but it has been over 10 years since I left home and my High School reunion is next weekend. It will be so nice to catch up with friends and family, especially since we will not be able to fly home for the holidays this year. Seattle here I come!

Friday, September 12, 2014

20 Weeks-Half Way!!

How far along? 20 Weeks and 4 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Banana!
Maternity Clothes? Some. Pants only so far, but I can still wear my larger jeans. Yoga clothes still work, and are probably the most comfortable thing to wear when I am home.
Sleep: OK this week. I started using two pillows to block me in, which seems to have inhibited my rolling.
Best moment of the week: This would have to be Tuesday. We had our 20 Week Level II ultrasound, and got to find out the sex of the baby! Peter said he knew right away when it came on the screen, and then tech said, classic girl parts! Wow! What. A. Shock. We had been told 2 months ago (very early I know) that it looked "boyish" so we were all prepared for her to announce a baby boy. Instead, it looks like we might be making an appointment at the Bippity Boppity Boo Salon in Disney World in a few years, because we have a little princess on the way! I have to admit, I am super excited about it. Everything looks healthy and progressing as a normal pregnancy, so it was all great news. Baby is 60th percentile for weight estimate, which is great. Right on track!
Missing the most: Nothing food related, but Charlottesville. We were talking about trying to find a time in this crazy schedule to go visit.
Cravings: Chips and Ranch dip.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Our dear fiend Rachel Martin coming to visit! She is my baking partner in crime, and probably the funniest person placed on this earth. She still lives in Charlottesville after the Post Bacc, but is driving through DC this weekend and making a pit stop to see us. Can't wait!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 Weeks and 6 Days
Baby is the size of a(n): Mango
Maternity Clothes? Ok, so I finally broke down and bought a pair of slacks for work. We had to start wearing normal work clothes after Labor Day, and I needed something to wear! I am going to try to stick it out in normal tops for a while, but eventually may need to get some things for work. Taking it one week at a time.
Sleep: Fine, though my Doc said 20 weeks is when I should really make an effort to stop sleeping on my back, so this will be a challenge!
Best moment of the week: It was a really good week! We got to spend some time with one of our friends from Peter's Post Bacc. August came to stay with us while he interviewed at GW (exciting!), so ti was nice to catch up. Also, September is a month dedicated to volunteering and fundraising for Wells Fargo, and I chair the Community Support Campaign for my office. I LOVE planning our fundraising events, helping to get people excited about giving back, and taking some time to get involved with some really deserving organizations. Week 1 was a huge success, and I am looking forward to the coming weeks!
Missing the most: Lunch meat. I starting driving a new way to work, which passes the Italian Store in Arlington. If you have never been, GO! It is sooooo good and now all I seem to want is an Italian Grinder.
Cravings: Pretty much anything I see someone else eating. I was feeling pretty famished this week!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Belly button in or out? In.
Looking forward to: Tuesday-we are having our Level II ultrasound, which means we officially find out the sex of the baby! I wish it were Tuesday already! Also, realizing we will be at the half way point is pretty exciting.